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A smarter way to plan your day...
Smart Schedule
Chances are, there are things on your to-do list you won't get to today. You're not alone; in fact, 7 out of every 10 Todoist users have overdue tasks!
That's why we're thrilled to introduce Smart Schedule – a new, AI-powered task scheduler that helps you find the best due dates for your tasks. With Smart Schedule, those overdue tasks can be quickly rescheduled en masse, and unscheduled tasks can be easily assigned to the best due dates.
Smart Schedule
How it works
Smart Schedule predicts the best possible dates based on:
  • What you have coming up
  • When you've completed tasks in the past
  • The urgency of the task
...and more! Learn how Smart Schedule can help you balance your schedule, roll with the punches, and reach #TodoistZero every day.
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Smart Schedule and your data
With today's technology, we know that people are rightfully concerned about the way companies use their data – we are, too! We want to be upfront and transparent about how exactly Smart Schedule works to suggest the best due dates:
All your personal data (for example, when you usually complete tasks with the word "email") are processed automatically by the Smart Schedule algorithm. That means it's never accessed by any service outside of Todoist and never seen by any of our team members. It's completely private and completely yours.
All past user data that informs date predictions (for example, what kinds of tasks users usually mark as high priority) are aggregated and anonymous. We never see any personally identifiable information, and we never share user data with third parties without your prior authorization.
We've updated our Privacy policy to make all of this information completely clear. If you have any questions about how we handle and safeguard your data, please reach out any time at
Our best,
The Todoist Team
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